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Curtain Wall
The Cube Casement -
a revolutionary helix casement operator system with removable cube

the Cube Casement
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the Cube...
it's a removable sliding handle, replacing rotary handles. It's sleek design brings improved thermal performance
the Vault
includes multi-point locking Espagnolette, Hinges, Casement Operator with Cube
the Vault XL
upgrades the Vault to full surround multi-point Espagnolette
the Polar
includes magnetic multi-point locking Espagnolette, Hinges, Casement Operator with Cube
the Auto-helix
The ultimate hands free window control via concealed motor and automation technology
Why choose us:
Eliminates need for sash locks/latches
Replaces Crank and Cover
Built-in Trickle Vent
Improved locking capability for out of square units
Cost savings and better performance
Simplifies fabrication
Eliminates milling at stops and operator cover.
improved air/water penetration resistance
Increased thermal performance
ADA & WOCD compliant
Adaptable to all window frames
Composites, UPVC, Wood Clad, Aluminum

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